Editing Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose!/ja-en

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== Options screen ==
== Options screen ==
|Bボタンで タイトルに もどるよ
|Bボタンで タイトルに もどるよ
Line 9: Line 8:
=== Difficulty level ===
=== Difficulty level ===
|Normal mode}}
|Normal mode}}
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=== Control ===
=== Control ===
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The Japanese verb is in the active voice, but the passive voice seems to be the best translation. However, bear in mind that a literal translation would be something like "you don't use it" or "we won't use it".
The Japanese verb is in the active voice, but the passive voice seems to be the best translation. However, bear in mind that a literal translation would be something like "you don't use it" or "we won't use it".
|Drop kick}}
|Drop kick}}
=== Sound mode ===
=== Sound mode ===
== Acme Looniversity ==
== Acme Looniversity ==
|やあ! タイニートゥーンの せかいへ ようこそ!! ボクの なまえは、バスターバニー。
|<pre>やあ! タイニートゥーンの
せかいへ ようこそ!!
ボクの なまえは、
|やあ! タイニー・トゥーンの世界へようこそ!! 僕の名前はバスター・バニー。
|やあ! タイニー・トゥーンの世界へようこそ!! 僕の名前はバスター・バニー。
|Hey! Welcome to the world of Tiny Toons! My name is Buster Bunny.}}
|Hey! Welcome to the world of Tiny Toons! My name is Buster Bunny.}}
僕 is written in the game as katakana, but it could just as easily have been hiragana or (if the game used it) kanji.
僕 is written in the game as katakana, but it could just as easily have been hiragana or (if the game used it) kanji.
|I'm Babs Bunny.}}
|I'm Babs Bunny.}}
あたし is a very feminine version of 私 (わたし). You will find that Babs' mannerisms throughout the game are distinctly feminine.
あたし is a very feminine version of 私 (わたし). You will find that Babs' mannerisms throughout the game are distinctly feminine.
|これから タイニートゥーンの いろんな せかいを、 ボクと いっしょに ぼうけんしよう!
|<pre>これから タイニートゥーンの
いろんな せかいを、 ボクと
いっしょに ぼうけんしよう!</pre>
|From this point on, together with me, let's adventure through the various worlds of Tiny Toons!}}
|Together with me, let's adventure through the various worlds of Tiny Toons!}}
'''TODO''' - clarify role of これから
|まずは あたしたちの がっこう、ルーニーバーシティーからね。
|<pre>まずは あたしたちの がっこう、
|Starting from our school, the Looniversity.}}
|Starting from our school, the Looniversity.}}
|ここには ゆかいな なかまたちが いっぱい。
|<pre>ここには ゆかいな
なかまたちが いっぱい。</pre>
|We have many pleasant friends in this place.}}
|We have many pleasant friends in this place.}}
It's tempting to assume that the literal meaning of this is "this place is full of pleasant friends", since いっぱい is used to mean "full of" (as we will soon see). However, "full of [noun]" is [noun]'''で'''いっぱい, not が; here it just means "many".
It's tempting to assume that the literal meaning of this is "this place is full of pleasant friends", since いっぱい is used to mean "full of" (as we will soon see). However, "full of [noun]" is [noun]'''で'''いっぱい, not が; here it just means "many".
|いっけない! じゅぎょうが はじまっちゃうよ!!
|<pre>いっけない! じゅぎょうが
|いっけない!! 授業が始まっちゃうよ!!
|いっけない!! 授業が始まっちゃうよ!!
|Oh no! Class has started!}}
|Oh no! Class has started!}}
Line 83: Line 91:
始まっちゃう = 始まってしまう = to regrettably start. Buster is expressing dismay that class is starting, since he's late for class!
始まっちゃう = 始まってしまう = to regrettably start. Buster is expressing dismay that class is starting, since he's late for class!
|バスター!! こうしゃのなかは、 にげだした どうぶつたちで いっぱいよ!! きをつけて!
こうしゃのなかは、 にげだした
どうぶつたちで いっぱいよ!!
|バスター!! 校舎の中は、逃げ出した動物たちでいっぱい!! 気を付けて!
|バスター!! 校舎の中は、逃げ出した動物たちでいっぱい!! 気を付けて!
|Buster! The inside of the school building is full of escaped animals! Be careful!}}
|Buster! The inside of the school building is full of escaped animals! Be careful!}}
Line 90: Line 101:
=== Kitchen crisis ===
=== Kitchen crisis ===
|たいへんだよ バスター!! ディジーが キッチンで おおあばれ してるんだ。
|<pre>たいへんだよ バスター!!
ディジーが キッチンで
おおあばれ してるんだ。</pre>
|大変だよ、バスター!! ディジーがキッチンで大暴れしてるんだ。
|大変だよ、バスター!! ディジーがキッチンで大暴れしてるんだ。
|It's terrible, Buster! Dizzy is causing great destruction in the kitchen.}}
|It's terrible, Buster! Dizzy is causing great destruction in the kitchen.}}
してる = している
してる = している
大(おお or also だい)here acts as an intensifying prefix.
んだ = のだ. This indicates an explanation.
んだ = のだ. This indicates an explanation.
|このままじゃ おひるが なにも だへれなく なっちゃうよ。
|<pre>このままじゃ おひるが なにも
だへれなく なっちゃうよ。</pre>
|As it is, it will become so that we can't eat anything for lunch.}}
|As it is, it will become so that we can't eat anything for lunch.}}
Line 110: Line 124:
なっちゃう = なってしまう
なっちゃう = なってしまう
|でも ちからずくで なんとかなる あいてじゃ ないなあ。
|<pre>でも ちからずくで
あいてじゃ ないなあ。</pre>
|But, he is not an oppponent that can be overcome by pure strength alone.}}
力ずく brute force, で with, 何とか(somehow) なる (to become) => to turn somehow (into a good situatuion),  difference between 相手 and 敵 is similar to 'opponent' and 'enemy' (former emphasizes opposing, latter evil intentions)
|ディジーは くいしんぼだから、なにか たべさせてやれば おちつくと おもうんだ。
|<pre>ディジーは くいしんぼだから、
なにか たべさせてやれば
おちつくと おもうんだ。</pre>
|I think that, since Dizzy is a glutton, if we make him eat something, he will calm down.}}
|I think that, since Dizzy is a glutton, if we make him eat something, he will calm down.}}
The standard reading of 食いしん坊 is くいしんぼう, ending with a long vowel.
The standard reading of 食いしん坊 is くいしんぼう, ending with a long vowel.
やる is the informal form あげる, meaning to give, and in extension, to do something to someone. Attaching ば (a form of topic particle は) to 已然形 forms a conditional: "when doing ..."
'''TODO''' - clarify role of やる (やれば).
|よーし まかせとけ!!
|<pre>よーし まかせとけ!!</pre>
|Well then, leave it to me!}}
|Well then, leave it to me!}}
よーし is a lengthened よし, here meaning "well then". Literally, 良(よ)し is an archaic form of いい (good).
よーし is a lengthened よし, here meaning "well then".
任せとけ = 任せておけ, the imperative of 任せておく, in turn from 任せる, meaning ("entrust"). {{todo|Explain ~ておく here.}}
=== Dizzy full ===
|ディジー もう おなか いっぱい! オレ ねる。
|ディジーもうお腹が一杯! 俺寝る。
|Dizzy's stomach full now. I sleep.}}
Dizzy uses Tarzan-speak, so it's not surprising he'd refer to himself in the third person and eschew particles. (Particles are often omitted in normal casual speech too, but the way it's done here stands out.)
(As he uses 俺 in the very next sentence, I think him using his name to refer to himself is more due to the fact that in Japanese this is acceptable and mostly used by young children, i.e., indicating lacking intellect. Or perhaps to add a Japanese-style cuteness factor to his character?)
|さあ ハムトン もう だいじょうぶ。 ディジューのヤツ このとおりさ!
|Well, Hamton, it's OK now. This Dizzy guy's like this now!}}
|けっきょく キッチンのたべもの、ぜんぶ たべられちゃったんだね・・・
|In the end, all of the kitchen's food was eaten...}}
食べられちゃった = 食べられてしまった, from 食べられる, "is eaten" (passive of 食べる); and attaching しまう "to end up...", adds a negative connotation.
== The Old West ==
|みんな ボクの そうさには もう なれたかな?
|Has everyone gotten used to the controls?}}
|つぎのステージでは、 ダッシュを うまく つかいこなすのが じゅうようなんだ。
|On this next stage, it will be necessary to master the dash well.}}
|ダッシュゲージが たまったら、L 、 R で ダッシュ!
|When the dash gauge is full, dash with L or R!}}
{{todo|Kanji for たまる?}}
|いつもより はやく はしることが できるよ。 おぼえておいてね!
|You will be able to run faster than usual. Remember it!}}
いともより literally means "than always".
~ておく refer to an action that prepares for the future. That is, "Remember this; you'll need it later."
|それだけじゃないぜ!! ダッシュを つかえば カベだって かけあがることが できるんだ!!
|それだけじゃないぜ!! ダッシュを使えば壁だって駆け上がることが出来るんだ!!
|That's not all! When you use the dash, you can run up walls!}}
それだけじゃない literally means "It's not only that!"
{{todo|More about grammar in second sentence}}
|いろんなところで ためしてみよう! べんりな アイテムが みつかるかもよ!!
|いろんなところでためしてみよう! 便利なアイテムが見つかるかもよ!!
|Try it out in many places! You might find useful items!}}
|さて プラッキー、つぎのステージは・・・
|Say, Plucky, as for this next stage...}}
|せいぶげきだ!! もちろん、オレさまが しゅやくだ!
|It's a western! As you can see, I am the lead actor!}}
|しゅやくだったら しゅやくだ―――!!
|The lead actor, I said. The lead actoooor!}}
ったら indicates exasperation; as he is apparently not taken seriously...
|おい モンタナのヤツ、なんか かんちがいしてるぜ・・・
|Oy, this Montana guy is somewhat mistaken...}}
As in, his perception of himself is wrong, i.e., he has a wrong picture of himself.
|As usual...}}
=== Monty gets the loot ===
|へへっ! いまごろきても もう おそいぜ!
|へへっ! 今頃来てももう遅いぜ!
|Heh heh! You've come too late!}}
More literally, "Even coming at this point in time, it is too late already."
|かねめのは この モンタナマックスさまが ぜ―――んぶ いただいた! あばよ!!
|金目のはこのモンタナマックス様が全ぇー部頂いた! あばよ!!
|I, Montana Max, have taken ''all'' of the valuables! See ya!}}
Attaching 様(さま) to your own name is boasting and should not be used in normal/real life.
=== Monty's plea for help ===
|だれか――― たすけてくれ――― きかんしゃが ぼうそう しちまった―――!!
|誰か―――助けてくれ―――! 機関車が暴走しちまった―――!!
|Somebody heeelllp! The locomotive's out of control!!}}
|まったく せわのやけるヤツだな! よーし あの トロッコに とびのって だっしゅつだ!!
|全く世話の焼けるヤツだな! よーし、あのトロッコに飛び乗って脱出だ!!
|Sheesh, you're always looking for help! Well then, let's escape by jumping on that trolley!}}
全く means "really; truly; completely", but it can also be used as an expression of exasperation, and Buster is clearly exasperated at Max here, especially given his expression.
{{todo|やける; clarify its role}}
の is sometimes used instead of が in relative clauses, such as in the first sentence here.
At this point, Buster and Monty jump on the trolley and escape. They pump the trolley up to 140 km/h, which is the famous "88 miles per hour" from Back to the Future, presumably to return to the present.
== Spook Mansion ==
|まったく モンタナのおかげで ボクまで ひどいめに あっちゃった。
|Man, thanks to Montana even I got into trouble.}}
Also written 酷い目に合う, when in doubt, use kana only.
|さて いま ボクは、ピクニックからの かえりみちなんだ。
|So then, I'm on the way back from a picnic.}}
|ややっ! あめがふってきたぞ!! どこかで あまやどりをしなきゃ びしょめれになっちゃう!
|ややっ! 雨が降ってきたぞ!! 何処かで雨宿りをしなきゃびしょぬれになっちゃう!
|No! It began to rain!! If I don't take shelter from rain, I will get sopping wet!}}
しなきゃ = しなければ
|おっと! ちょうどいいところに おやしきが あったぞ!!
|おっと! ちょうどいいところにお屋敷があったぞ!!
|Oh! There is just the perfect house over there.}}
|しかし ちょっとまてよ・・・とつぜんの あめ・・・ひとけのない もりのなかに、ぶきみな ようかん・・・この きまりきった シチュエーション・・・もしや つぎのステージは・・・
|But wait a second... sudden rain... an eerie house in an empty forest... a stereotypical situation... this next stage must be...}}
|A haunted house!!}}
=== A monster of a problem ===
|あれ? バブス。なんで こんなところに?
|Huh? Babs... what are you doing in this kind of place?}}
|あきやだと おもって あそんでたら、だいじな おともだちが マッドサイエンティストに つかまっちゃったの。
|We thought this place was vacant, and were playing there, when my dear friend was captured by the mad scientist.}}
|おねがい バスター!! はやく たすけてあげて!!
|お願い、バスター!! 早く助けてあげて!!
|Please, Buster! Hurry and rescue him for me!}}
|そいつは たいへんだ!!
|This is a big problem!}}
{{todo|Does そいつ refer to the mad scientist or his strange machine?}}
|サイエンティストの へんなメカを こわせば、もっと たすけだせるわ!
|If you break the scientist's strange machine, it will help rescue him!}}
=== Gene Splicer's machine destroyed ===
|ありがと――― バスター ともだちを たすけてくれて!!
|ありがと―――バスター! 友達を助けてくれて!!
|Thank you, Buster! For saving my friend!}}
Here the sentences are in reverse order. In standard usage, what you're thanking them for would come first. However, in actual speech, it's common to blurt out the thanks and then clarify what you're thanking them for (even though it's rather obvious).
|え? ともだちって かれのことだったのかい?
|え? 友達って彼の事だったのかい?
|Eh、friend? It was him?}}
かい is another version of the question particle か.
== Football ==
|ハイ ハ―――イ!! こちらは アクミースタジアムからの ちゅうけい で―――す!!
|ハイハ―――イ!! こちらはアクミー・スタジアムからの中継で―――す!!
|Hello there! This is a broadcast from Acme Stadium!}}
|われらが アクミーがくえんと、きょうてき パーフェクトがくえんとの フットボールの しあいは、だい3クオーターが おわって 19 - 14 !!
|We are at the match between Acme Looniversity and their formidable enemies, Perfecto Prep, at the end of the 3rd quarter, it's 19-14!!}}
|アクミーがくえん ワンタッチダウンで だいぎゃくてんの だいチャンス!!
|Acme Looniversity's got a big chance for a turn-around with a One-Touch-Down.}}
|しれでは だい4クオーター はじまるまえに、ブックウォームせんしゅに インタビューしてみましょう。
|But before the beginning of the 4th quarter, let's get an interview with Bookworm.}}
|ボク ほけつなんだ。
|I'm a substitute player.}}
=== Touchdown! ===
|やった やりました! バスターバニーせんしゅ みごとな タッチダウン!!
|やった、やりました! バスターバニー選手、見事なタッチダウン!!
|We did it, we did it! Buster Bunny [scored] a beautiful touchdown!}}
|20 - 19 で アクミーがくえんが だいぎゃくてんして、この めいしょうぶに ピリオドを うったのです!!
|Acme Looniversity made a big comeback with 20-19, this famous match has come to an end!}}
ピリオドを打つ is an idiom meaning "to put an end to", literally "to put a point [to an affair]", as in "end a sentence with a point".
|ここ アクミースタジアムからの ちゅうけいを おわりま―――す。
|Here, from Acme Stadium, we're ending this broadcast.}}
== Sky Palace ==
|さて さて スポーツで いいあせを かいたあとは、ボクの ともだちを しょうかいしよう!
|Now, now. After lots of sweating at sports, let's introduce one of my friends.}}
|かれは カラミティコヨーテ。スポーツは とくいじゃないけど、あたまが よくて はつめいが なんだ!
|He is Calamity Coyote! Though sports is not his strong point, his head is good and his inventions are something!}}
|バスター おねがいが あるんだけど・・・
|Buster, I had a favor to ask...}}
|What's it?}}
だい means about the same as か
|と―――っても と―――っても たいせつなものを そらの たかいところに かくしたんだけど、とても ボクにはとりに いけないんだ。
|I've hid a reaaaly, reaaaaly precious thing high up in the sky, but I can't go to fetch it at all.}}
|かわりに とってきて くれないかい?
|Could you go get it for me?}}
|おやすい ごようさ! ジャンプは ボクの とくいワザだもの。
|That is an easy errand! Jumping is my strong point.}}
|それじゃ ひろばに カプセルを おいといたから、スイッチを おせば たかいところに いけるよ!!
|Well then, after leaving a capsule on the plaza, when you pull the switch you can go to high places.}}
|ところで カラミティ どうやって それ かくしに いったのかな?
|By the way, Calamity, how did you go about hiding it [anyways]?}}
=== Calamity's treasure ===
|むむむっ!? カラミティ いってた たいせつなものって、この ほんのことかな?
|Mmmmm,!? The precious thing I talked about, about this book?}}
|......It's the script for the next stage...}}
|た―――いへんだ!! たてものが くずれてきたぞ!! いそいで だっしゅつ しなきゃ!
|大変だ!!建物が崩れてきたぞ!! 急いで脱出しなきゃ!
|Oh no! The building is crumbling down!! We must hurry and escape!}}
しなきゃ = しなければ
== Star Wars ==
|ぶたいは かわって こうだいな うちゅう!! スペースオペラだ―――!!
|The stage has changed, the vast comsos!! Space opera!!}}
|こんどの ボクは、あくの ていこくぐんに ひとりで たちむかう せいぎのきし!!
|This time I shall face the evil imperial armada all by myself. [I, the] Knight of Justice!}}
More literally, "This self of mine this time, the evil army alone shall stand against!!".
|バブスひめを たすけに・・・ ・・・・・・・・・ん? バブスひめ? ってことは、ひめの やくは バブスか?
|バブス姫を助けに・・・ ………ん?バブス姫?って事は、姫の役はバブスか?
|To the rescue of princess Babs... .........ng? Princess Babs? Wait, that means, in the role of the princess is Babs?}}
って "quoting particle" 事 "thing, situation" は "comment/topic particle" => Xって事は makes a comment on X, "as for the thing X, ..."
|That's right!!}}
|おいおい、ほんばんが はじまっちゃうだろ。はやく じゅんび しなきゃ!!
|Oy, oy. The main scene is about to start. Quickly, we must get ready.}}
準備しなきゃ, literally "not doing preparations", bad, unspecified consequences are implied, thus meaning "should get ready".
|は―――――――――い。じゃ ちょっと つかまってくるね。
|All right. Well then, I'll just go get captured.}}
I '''think''' this is a play on expressions such as いってくる ("I'll go and come back"). She's speaking as if she were just going to the store or something.
|She's unflappable...}}
=== Duck Vader ===
|わっはっはっは・・・よくぞ ここまで きたな せいぎのきしよ!!
|わっはっはっは… よくぞ此処まで来たな。正義の騎士よ!!
|Hahahaha... Well done getting this far, knight of justice!}}
|やい! ひめはどこだ!!
|やい! 姫は何処だ!!
|Hey! Where's the princess?!?}}
|わたしを たおすことができたら、ひめは かえしてやる! だが わたしの ビリビリレーザーほうに かてるかな?
|If you can defeat me, I shall return the princess! But, can you win against my Biri-Biri-Cannon?}}
ビリビリ(onomatopoeia-mimesis) - like an electric shock, ripping, rattling
勝てる short for 勝たれる
|ビリビリ しびれるのは おまえのほうだ!!
|You're the one who's going down!!}}
=== Victory! ===
|ああ・・・ あなたが たすけて くれたのですね、せいぎのきし バスターバニー!!
|Aa... you came for me, knight of justice, Buster Bunny!!}}
|なんと おれいを いっていいが・・・・・・
|How can I thank you...}}
Literally, "How saying my thanks is good..."
|あなたって、す・て・き・よ たくましくて、ハンサムで、かっこイイわ。 イカスわ。 さいこうよっ!!
|You are great! Strong, handsome, cool!! Smart. The best!!}}
She poses for a kiss:
|おいおいおい、こらこらこら、いつまで やってんだよ!!
|Oy, oy, hey hey. How long will you be doing this?!}}
Assault of the infamous onomatopoeia!
|とっとと かたづけて かえろうぜ!!
|Let's get this done quickly and go home!!}}
|お―――っと、 まだ ショーは おわってないよ!!
|Hey! The show is not over yet!}}
|ショー なのです!!
|The show!!}}
|The ending――――――!!}}
== Minigames ==
|さあ おまちかね! サブゲームの じかんだよ!!
|Now, finally. It's minigame time!}}
Informal お待ちかね and more formal variants such as お待たせてしました お待たせました etc are an idiomatic expression. Literally, "caused [you] to wait", thus meaning, "sorry for letting you wait". Here it could be translated along the lines of "It was a long time (wait) until we got to the minigames.", ie "finally".
|まずは ルーレットを まわして サブゲームを けっていしてね!
|First, spin the roulette and win the game!}}
|なにがあたるか おたのしみ! ルーレット スタート!
|Whatever is hit [wherever the ball lands], enjoy [the game]! Roulette start!}}
|[game name] に けってい! プレイヤーUPのだいチャンス!! はりきっていこう!!
|[game name]に決定! プレイヤーUP大チャンス!! 張り切って行こう!!
|Win at [game name]! Big chance for 1UP!! Go all out!! }}
=== Minigame names ===
{{ja-en|ファーボールのスカッシュ|Furrball's Squash}}
{{ja-k-en|なかまたちを たすけだせ|仲間達を助け出せ|Rescue your friends!}}
{{ja-en|GO!GO!ビンゴ!|Go! Go! Bingo!}}
{{ja-k-en|みんなでなかよく おもさくらべ|皆で中良く重さ比べ|Compare weights with everyone.}}
皆で中良く... is an idiomatic expression meaning "to get along well together".
{{ja-k-en|はらぺこハムトン!!|腹ペコハムトン|Hungry Hamton!!}}
=== Squash ===
|れんぞくで なんかい ボールを うちかえせるかな? 15かいで 1UP! ボールは どんどん スピードが あがるから むずかしいぞ!
|連続で何回ボールを打ち返せるかな? 15回で1UP! ボールはどんどんスピードがあがるから難しいぞ!
|How many consecutive times can you return the ball? You get a 1-up per 15 times! The ball steadily increases speed, so it's difficult!}}
=== Find your friends ===
|どうぶつずきの エルマイラにも こまったものだね。 みんなを ドアから だして あげよう! ディジーや アーノルドにも きをつけて!
|動物好きのエルマイラにも困ったものだね。皆をドアから出して上げよう! ディジーやアーノルドにも気を付けて!
|Even the animal lover Elmyra is in trouble. Get everyone out through the door! Also watch out for Dizzy and Arnold!}}
{{todo|First sentence doesn't seem right.}}
=== Junction ===
|パネルを じょうずに うごかして ハムトンの みちを つなげて あげよう! リンゴを1つとれば 1UP!
|パネルを上手に動かしてハムトンの道をつなげてあげよう! りんごを1つ取れば 1UP!
|Skillfully move the panels and connect Hamton's road! For one apple you get a 1-up!}}
=== Bingo ===
|ボールは ぜんぶで 6つ。なかまたちの パネルが たて よこ ななめ、いちれつそろうごとに 1UP!
|There are 6 balls total. For each horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of your friends' panels, you get a 1-up!}}
=== Weight-guessing game ===
|シーソーを つかって、コンピューターチームと おもさ比べを してみよう! ひとり かつごとに 1UP! チームがかてば さらに 1UP! ぜんいんが ひきわけたら・・・?
|Using the see-saw, try to compare weights with/against the computer team. Each time you win by yourself, [you get a] 1UP. When you win as a team, another 1UP. If it ends up a draw, ...?}}
任せとけ = 任せておけ, the imperative of 任せておく, in turn from 任せる, meaning ("entrust"). '''TODO''' - explain ~ておく.

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