Difference between revisions of "The Legend of Zelda/TBL file"
Jstressman (talk | contribs) (initial page creation to get the content up) |
Jstressman (talk | contribs) m (moved The Legend of Zelda/TBL file to The Legend of Zelda/jp-en/TBL file: organization. if you're going to offer multiple language translations for games, then each language's script dump and table file(s) etc should be under that language's ...) |
(No difference)
Revision as of 15:20, 17 October 2010
There are basically 4 sections to the TBL file:
- the basic kana set.
- the kana set with dakuten added.
- the kana set with each character set as being the last on a line and moving the following text to the next line down.
- the kana set with each character set as the final character to display. Any following text is not displayed.
Interestingly the basic kana set includes some "odd" characters such as white, grey, and blue boxes, a bomb icon, and the dakuten and handakuten as separate characters. The dakuten version of the kana set is even more odd in that it includes the dakuten on every single character in the set, including characters that would never normally have a dakuten such as the dakuten and handakutens themselves, the n- sounds, m- sounds, the bomb icon, colored boxes, etc.
This is the verbose version of the file that includes notes as to which characters include the newline and ending codes, the dakutens (for the characters that wouldn't normally have it), and mentions of the non-textual characters.
This TBL file was originally made by Justin Stressman.
TBL file
00= 01=<white-box> 02=<grey-box> 03=<blue-box> 04=ア 05=イ 06=ウ 07=エ 08=オ 09=カ 0A=キ 0B=ク 0C=ケ 0D=コ 0E=サ 0F=シ 10=ス 11=セ 12=ソ 13=タ 14=チ 15=ツ 16=テ 17=ト 18=ナ 19=ニ 1A=ヌ 1B=ネ 1C=ノ 1D=ハ 1E=ヒ 1F=フ 20=ヘ 21=ホ 22=マ 23=ミ 24=ム 25=メ 26=モ 27=ヤ 28=ユ 29=ヨ 2A=ラ 2B=リ 2C=ル 2D=レ 2E=ロ 2F=ワ 30=ン 31=ヲ 32=ァ 33=ィ 34=ゥ 35=ェ 36=ォ 37=ャ 38=ュ 39=ョ 3A=ッ 3B=゛ 3C=゜ 3E=ー 3D=<bomb> 3F=. 40=<dakuten> 41=<white-box゛> 42=<grey-box゛> 43=<blue-box゛> 44=<ア゛> 45=<イ゛> 46=<ウ゛> 47=<エ゛> 48=<オ゛> 49=ガ 4A=ギ 4B=グ 4C=ゲ 4D=ゴ 4E=ザ 4F=ジ 50=ズ 51=ゼ 52=ゾ 53=ダ 54=ヂ 55=ヅ 56=デ 57=ド 58=<ナ゛> 59=<ニ゛> 5A=<ヌ゛> 5B=<ネ゛> 5C=<ノ゛> 5D=バ 5E=ビ 5F=ブ 60=ベ 61=ボ 62=<マ゛> 63=<ミ゛> 64=<ム゛> 65=<メ゛> 66=<モ゛> 67=<ヤ゛> 68=<ユ゛> 69=<ヨ゛> 6A=<ラ゛> 6B=<リ゛> 6C=<ル゛> 6D=<レ゛> 6E=<ロ゛> 6F=<ワ゛> 70=<ン゛> 71=<ヲ゛> 72=<ァ゛> 73=<ィ゛> 74=<ゥ゛> 75=<ェ゛> 76=<ォ゛> 77=<ャ゛> 78=<ュ゛> 79=<ョ゛> 7A=<ッ゛> 7B=<゛゛> 7C=<゜゛> 7E=<ー゛> 7D=<bomb゛> 7F=<.゛> 80= <newline> 81=<white-box><newline> 82=<grey-box><newline> 83=<blue-box><newline> 84=ア<newline> 85=イ<newline> 86=ウ<newline> 87=エ<newline> 88=オ<newline> 89=カ<newline> 8A=キ<newline> 8B=ク<newline> 8C=ケ<newline> 8D=コ<newline> 8E=サ<newline> 8F=シ<newline> 90=ス<newline> 91=セ<newline> 92=ソ<newline> 93=タ<newline> 94=チ<newline> 95=ツ<newline> 96=テ<newline> 97=ト<newline> 98=ナ<newline> 99=ニ<newline> 9A=ヌ<newline> 9B=ネ<newline> 9C=ノ<newline> 9D=ハ<newline> 9E=ヒ<newline> 9F=フ<newline> A0=ヘ<newline> A1=ホ<newline> A2=マ<newline> A3=ミ<newline> A4=ム<newline> A5=メ<newline> A6=モ<newline> A7=ヤ<newline> A8=ユ<newline> A9=ヨ<newline> AA=ラ<newline> AB=リ<newline> AC=ル<newline> AD=レ<newline> AE=ロ<newline> AF=ワ<newline> B0=ン<newline> B1=ヲ<newline> B2=ァ<newline> B3=ィ<newline> B4=ゥ<newline> B5=ェ<newline> B6=ォ<newline> B7=ャ<newline> B8=ュ<newline> B9=ョ<newline> BA=ッ<newline> BB=゛<newline> BC=゜<newline> BD=<bomb><newline> BE=ー<newline> BF=.<newline> C0= <end> C1=<white-box><end> C2=<grey-box><end> C3=<blue-box><end> C4=ア<end> C5=イ<end> C6=ウ<end> C7=エ<end> C8=オ<end> C9=カ<end> CA=キ<end> CB=ク<end> CC=ケ<end> CD=コ<end> CE=サ<end> CF=シ<end> D0=ス<end> D1=セ<end> D2=ソ<end> D3=タ<end> D4=チ<end> D5=ツ<end> D6=テ<end> D7=ト<end> D8=ナ<end> D9=ニ<end> DA=ヌ<end> DB=ネ<end> DC=ノ<end> DD=ハ<end> DE=ヒ<end> DF=フ<end> E0=ヘ<end> E1=ホ<end> E2=マ<end> E3=ミ<end> E4=ム<end> E5=メ<end> E6=モ<end> E7=ヤ<end> E8=ユ<end> E9=ヨ<end> EA=ラ<end> EB=リ<end> EC=ル<end> ED=レ<end> EE=ロ<end> EF=ワ<end> F0=ン<end> F1=ヲ<end> F2=ァ<end> F3=ィ<end> F4=ゥ<end> F5=ェ<end> F6=ォ<end> F7=ャ<end> F8=ュ<end> F9=ョ<end> FA=ッ<end> FB=゛<end> FC=゜<end> FD=<bomb><end> FE=ー<end> FF=.<end>