Ar Tonelico III

From Learning Languages Through Video Games
Revision as of 16:02, 11 January 2011 by Blutorange (talk | contribs)
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Lots and lots of text and lots of obscure kanji! First I'll finish the game, then I can re-watch the cosmosphere events from the extra menu. I will probably do the cosmospheres (they're ridiculously funny), perhaps some talk events and if there should be interested, let's see.


(or should I translate to German??)


I used Japanese IME canna under ubuntu compiled from source and changed kana-kanji dictionaries, so that kanji+furigana is written upon entering and converting Japanese text. I also made a ordner and a very simple script layout, which is then parsed and styled to wiki with a simple lua script.
Please do not edit the wiki text here directly (you should edit the source files that are parsed by the lua script). If anyone is interested, I'll give you the lua script and how I organize the files, it's much easier to work with.