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== The Southern Lands: Melkido ==
{{ja-en|speaker=Guard: Near Entrance
|じょうさいのまち メルキドに ようこそ!
|Welcome to the fortress town, Melkido!
{{ja-en|speaker=Man: E Side
|えーん。 あてが まいごの キムこう だす。
|Yeah. I'm who you're looking for, the lost child Kimu-kou.
{{todo|refine translation}}
*It seems that Kimu-kou represents Hajime Kimura, a friend of Hiroshi Miyaoka and Yūji Horii. However, Kimura-san apparently had no involvement with this game.... Perhaps that's why Yuutei and Miyaou were looking for him?
{{ja-en|speaker=Guard: E Side, Near Shops
|うわさでは ロトのよろいは ひとから ひとへ。
|Rumor says that Loto's Armor has passed from person to person.
|ゆきのふ というおとこの てに わたったそうだ。
|It seems it had passed into the hands of a man called Yukinofu.
*Considering all the other developer cameos, and more than a passing resemblance in the names, Yukinofu may be producer Yukinobu Chida.
{{ja-en|speaker=Merchant: E Side
|むかし うちのじいさんが よく いってました。
|In the old days, my grandfather often said this.
|ともだちの ゆきのふは じぶんのみせの うらの きに なにか うめたらしいと…
|He said his friend Yukinofu buried something at a tree in the back of his shop....
{{ja-en|speaker=Old Man: SE Corner
|ふるい いいつたえでは ゆうしゃロトのつかった つるぎは はがねをも くだいたそうじゃ。
|In the old legends, the sword used by the Hero Loto smashed even steel.
{{ja-en|speaker=Guard: Near Inn
|りゅうおうの つめは てつを ひきさき そして はく ほのおは いわをも とかすという。
|It is said that the Dragon King's claws split iron, and the flames he breathes melt even stone.
|[NAME]よ それでも ゆくか?
|[NAME], will you go even so?
{{ja-en|speaker=If Answer はい/Yes
|おお! あなたこそ まことの ゆうしゃだ!
|Oh! You surely are a true hero!
{{ja-en|speaker=If Answer いいえ/No
|それが いい。 だれも おまえを おくびょうとは いわないだろう。
|That is good. No one will say you are a coward.
{{ja-en|speaker=Woman: Near W Shops
|こんやの おかずは なんに しようかしら……
|I wonder what I shall make for a side dish tonight....
{{ja-en|speaker=Merchant: W Side, L Shop
|まいど! きょうは だいこんが やすいよ!
|Welcome! Radishes are cheap today!
{{ja-en|speaker=Woman: W Side
|ねえ わたしの ぽーとぴあと あなたの ドラゴンくえすとを かえっこしてよ。
|Let's exchange my "Portopia" for your "Dragon Quest."
*"The Portopia Serial Murder Case" (ポートピア連続殺人事件) is a game in the form of a text adventure, released by Enix six months before "Dragon Quest," also written by Yūji Horii.
{{ja-en|speaker=Merchant: SW Corner
|わたしの いえは そのむかし ドムドーラのまちで みせやを していたとか。
|In the old days my family ran a shop in the town of Domdora.
|みせは まちのひがしに あり ゆきのふじいさんのとき まちが まものたちに おそわれ…
|When Grandfather Yukinofu's shop was in the east of the town, the town was attacked by monsters...
{{todo|refine translation}}
|このまちまで にげてきました。
|I escaped to this town.
{{ja-en|speaker=Old Man: Under Roof
|そなたが しるしをもとめるなら このまちの しんでんにすむ ちょうろうを たずねるがよい。
|If thou seekest the Mark, thou shouldst ask the elder who resides in the temple of this town.
{{ja-en|speaker=Old Man: Behind Barrier
|ゆうしゃのため いのりましょう。
|Let us pray for the hero.
|ひかりが そなたと ともに ありますように…
|May the light be with thee...
|ゆくがよい。 そして さがすがよい。
|You should go. And you should search.
|ラダトームの おしろまで きたに70 にしに40の そのばしょを!
|In the place where Ladatorm Castle is 70 to the north and 40 to the west!
== The Rainbow Drop ==
=== The Rain Shrine Revisited ===
=== The Holy Shrine Revisited ===
== Demon's Isle: The Castle of the Dragon King ==
== Epilogue ==
=== The Cheers of the People ===
=== Ending Proper ===
=== Credits ===

Latest revision as of 04:00, 5 April 2012