Editing Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland/ja-en

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This game's text was originally in kana only. Kanji have been provided in case they would be of interest.
== Intro ==
== Intro ==
|ここはみんながしってる アクミ・エイカーズ
|This is the Acme Acres that we all know.}}
|This is the Acme Acres that we all know.}}
|あるひ まちはずれに きょだいな ゆうえんちが できあがった
|<pre>あるひ まちはずれに きょだいな
ゆうえんちが できあがった</pre>
|A certain day, on the outskirts of town, a gigantic amusement park was completed.}}
|A certain day, on the outskirts of town, a gigantic amusement park was completed.}}
|みんなが そのわだいでもちきりのなか
|<pre>みんなが そのわだいでもちきいのなか</pre>
|While everyone was talking about it...}}
話題 means "topic". 持ち切り means "hot topic; talk of the town". その話題で持ち切り basically means "abuzz with that topic". Finally, the の中 means "while".
|バスター・バニーのいえに いっつうの てがみが おくられてきていた
|<pre>バスター・バニーのいえに いっつうの
てがみが おくられてきていた</pre>
|A single letter had been delivered to Buster Bunny's house.}}
|One letter was sent to Buster Bunny's house.}}
This sentence speaks from the point of view of the destination - the letter arriving (きていた, "it had come").
'''TODO''' - clarify role of きていた.
送られて, "having been sent", just specifies the mode by which it arrived.  
|やあバスター もうすぐおれさまのゆうえんちが かいえんすることになる<br />
そこで おまえを しょうたいしてやる
そこで おまえを しょうたいしてやる</pre>
|Hey, Buster, my amusement park is set to open very soon. So I'm inviting you.}}
|Hey, Buster, my amusement park is set to open very soon. So I'm inviting you.}}
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~てやる = to do the favor of. Can be impolite; it's much safer to use ~てあげる, which is equivalent and usable in any social situation where you are doing a favor.
~てやる = to do the favor of. Can be impolite; it's much safer to use ~てあげる, which is equivalent and usable in any social situation where you are doing a favor.
|なかまも つれてこい きっとびっくりするぞ!<br />
|<pre>なかまも つれてこい きっとびっくりするぞ!
なぞの おおがねもち より
|仲間も連れて来い、きっとびっくりするぞ! なぞの大金持ちより
おおがねもち より</pre>
|Bring your friends; it will surely surprise you! Signed, Mysterious Rich Guy}}
|仲間も連れて来いきっとびっくりするぞ! なぞの大金持ちより
|Bring your friends; I will surely surprise you! Signed, Mysterious Rich Guy}}
より here means "from", i.e., who sent the letter.
より here means "from", i.e., who sent the letter.
|バスターとなかまたちは てがみをよんで おおよろこび!
|<pre>バスターとなかまたちは てがみをよんで
|Buster and his friends read the letter and felt great joy!}}
|Buster and his friends read the letter and felt great joy!}}
There is an implied だった at the end of the sentence.
仲間たち is redundant; 仲間 would be sufficient. This could also have been written simply バスターたち.
There is an implied だ at the end of the sentence.
|Haw haw haw!}}
|Haw haw haw!}}
|「わなとしかけがいっぱいの ゆうえんちで おまえたちをまってるぞ!」
ゆうえんちで おまえたちをまってるぞ!」</pre>
|I'll be waiting for you in an amusement park that's full of tricks and traps!}}
|It's an amusement park full of traps and tricks, and I'm waiting for you!}}
で = te form of だ
待ってる = 待っている
待ってる = 待っている
== Ride menu ==
== Ride menu ==
|さあ どれにするの?
|<pre>さあ どれにするの?</pre>
|Well then, which will you ride?}}
|Well then, which will you ride?}}
{{todo|Explain the use of の. It seems particularly curious since it isn't seeking an explanation.}}
'''TODO''' - the use of の here is curious.
|ジェットコースター だよ
|<pre>ジェットコースター だよ</pre>
|That's the Jet Coaster.}}
|That's the Jet Coaster.}}
Since there's not much else going on in this sentence, and we're already talking about particles, this seems to be a good opportunity to point out that よ is often misunderstood. It doesn't merely mark emphasis, like an exclamation point, but in fact it indicates information the speaker hopes the listener will find useful, as if the sentence began with, "You might like to know...". For example, you wouldn't say いい映画よ for "this is a good movie" while you're watching it with somebody; the person you're watching with already knows whether it's a good movie or not. In that case you want ね, not よ. If, however, the listener has no opinion of the movie (or has low expectations), and you're trying to convince him to see it, いい映画よ is what you want.
Since there's not much else going on in this sentence, and we're already talking about particles, this seems to be a good opportunity to point out that よ is often misunderstood. It doesn't merely mark emphasis, like an exclamation point, but in fact it indicates information the speaker hopes the listener will find useful, as if the sentence began with, "You might like to know...". For example, you wouldn't say いい映画よ for "this is a good movie" while you're watching it with somebody; the person you're watching with already knows whether it's a good movie or not. In that case you want ね, not よ.
Hence, よ is often used to indicate a correction or, as in this sentence, new information.
|ショッキングカート だよ
|<pre>ショッキングカート だよ</pre>
|These are the Bumper Cars.}}
|These are the Bumper Cars.}}
Literally "shocking carts".
Literally "shocking carts".
|きかんしゃ だよ
|<pre>きかんしゃ だよ</pre>
|This is the locomotive.}}
|This is the locomotive.}}
This is not the most common way to say "train". Usually one would say 電車 (でんしゃ) for an electric train and 列車 (れっしゃ) for any other train.
This is not the most common way to say "train". Usually one would say 電車 (でんしゃ) for an electric train and 列車 (れっしゃ) for any other train.
|きゅうりゅうすべり だよ
|<pre>きゅうりゅうすべり だよ</pre>
|These are the slippery rapids.}}
|These are the slippery rapids.}}
|なぞのおしろ だよ
|<pre>なぞのおしろ だよ</pre>
|This is the mysterious castle.}}
|This is the mysterious castle.}}
This could also be read "Castle of Mystery".
This could also be read "Castle of Mystery".
|チケットうりば だよ
|<pre>チケット売り場 だよ</pre>
|This is the ticket booth.}}
|This is the ticket booth.}}
売り場 literally means "selling place".
売り場 literally means "selling place".
|We'll meet again later.}}
|We'll meet again later.}}
== Ticket Booth ==
|Welcome to the ticket booth!}}
|ポイントをチケットと こうかんしますね
|I will exchange your points for tickets.}}
{{todo|role of と}}
|ざんねんだけど ポイントがたりないわ
|Sorry, but you don't have enough points.}}
Literally, "the points are insufficient". 足りない is used to say there isn't enough of something, or someone doesn't have enough of something.
|Come any time.}}
== Rides ==
=== Roller Coaster ===
|ハイスピードのジェットコースターで しょうがいを クリアするんだ
|Clear obstacles on a high-speed jet coaster.}}
Here, んだ functions as a sort of imperative.
=== Log Ride ===
|じょうずに まるたのバランスを とって きゅうりゅうをすべりおりろ!
|Skillfully keep your balance on the log and slide down the rapids!}}
=== Train ===
|きかんしゃのうえをどんどんすすめ! いちばんまえに ボスがまってる!
|機関車の上をどんどん進め! 一番前にボスが待ってる!
|Steadily advance along the top of the train! The boss is waiting at the very front!}}
待ってる = 待っている
=== Bumper Cars ===
|てきのカートを うまくはじいて あなにおっことせ!
|Skillfully repel the opposing cars and drop them in the hole!}}
== Trying to get on a ride ==
|ここであそぶには [num]まいの チケットがいるよ
|To play here, you need [num] tickets.}}
|Here we gooo!}}
Said as you get on the ride.
いっく is an emphatic 行く. よー is a lengthened particle よ. The ん has no real meaning; it just represents a nasal sound at the end of exclamations like these.
|ざんねんだけど チケットがたりないよ
|I'm sorry, but there are not enough tickets.}}
|いま [num]まいの チケットをもっています
|Right now you have [num] tickets.}}
== Mysterious Castle ==
This is the imperative of いらしゃる, the honorific form of 来る. This is an important point soon.
|ここは 4まいのゴールドチケットが あれば はいることができます
|Here, if you have four gold tickets, you can enter.}}
|ざんねんですが たりませんね
|I'm sorry, but there are not enough.}}
|ノーマルチケット 50まいでも よろしいですよ
|50 normal tickets is fine too.}}
よろしい = いい, used in honorific speech.
|Do you have them?}}
|また いらしゃいませ
|Come again.}}
Since the butler is saying farewell, いらっしゃいませ clearly does not mean "welcome", but "come" in this sentence.
|Please come in.}}
This is the honorific way of saying 入ってください.
=== Description ===
|とうとうさいごのステージだ! いろいろなしかけに きをつけろ!
|とうとう最後のステージだ! いろいろな仕掛けに気を付けろ!
|Finally, it's the last stage! Watch out for the various traps!}}
[noun]に気を付ける = to be careful with the [noun].

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