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Hello my friend heres my new gig easy as it looks Ill send u a total of 5350++ backlinks to your website in 2 tiers. This gig its for 1 website and up to 5 keywords. First tier to your main website 350 page rank 1-5 and the the second tier of 5000 profile backlinks pointing to your first tier.Ill send u a report in a txt file in less than 48 hours.Any question just send me a private message
|せいれき にせんひゃくいちねん
|2101 A.D.}}
|たたかいは はじまった。
|War has begun.}}
|かんちょう: いったい どう したと いうんだ!
|Captain: Tell me what the hell happened!}}
言んだ is a typo for 言うんだ.
|きかんし: なにものかによって、ばくはつぶつが しかけられたようです。
|Engineer: It seems that explosives were set up by somebody.}}
In this context, によって is just a longer equivalent to the に of a passive sentence.
|つうしんし: かんちょう! つうしんが はいりました!
|Comm. Officer: Captain! A transmission has arrived!}}
|かんちょう: なにっ!
|Captain: What?!}}
|つうしんし: メイン・スクリーンに ビジョンが きます。
|Comm. Officer: A visual is coming on the main screen.}}
|かんちょう: おっおまえは!!
|Captain: Y-you...!}}
|CATS: おいそがしそうだね、しょくん。
|CATS: You seem busy, gentlemen.}}
In kanji: お忙しそう, from 忙しい, busy.
|CATS: れんぽうせいふぐんの ごきょうりょくにより、きみたちの きちは、すべてCATSがいただいた。
|CATS: With the help of the Federation Government forces, CATS has taken all of your bases.}}
|CATS: きみたちの かんも、そろそろ おわりだろう。
|CATS: Your ship, too, is soon to be at its end.}}
|かんちょう: ばっばかなっ・・・!
|Captain: It, it can't be!}}
ばかな is a general exclamation of disbelief. In context it could also mean "That's crazy!" or "Impossible!"
|CATS: きみたちの ごきょうりょくには かんしゃする。
|CATS: We thank you for your cooperation.}}
|CATS: せいぜい のこりすくない いのちを、たいせつに したまえ・・・・。
|Cherish these few remaining moments of your lives.}}
たまえ (from the verb たまう) attaches to a verb stem as a sort of a polite command form. したまえ here is roughly equivalent to the more common してください.
|CATS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha...}}
|つうしんし: かんちょう・・・。
|Comm. Officer: Captain...}}
|かんちょう: ZIGぜんきに はっしん めいれい!!
|Captain: I order that all ZIG units take off!}}
|かんちょう: もう かれらに たくしかない・・。
|Captain: We no longer have any choice but to entrust it to them...}}
|かんちょう: われわれの みらいに きぼうを・・・
|Captain: Our hopes for the future...}}
|かんちょう: たのむぞ、ZIG!!
|We're counting on you, ZIG!!}}
This continues the previous sentence. "We entrust our hopes for the future to you, ZIG!!"

Revision as of 15:19, 24 June 2012

Hello my friend heres my new gig easy as it looks Ill send u a total of 5350++ backlinks to your website in 2 tiers. This gig its for 1 website and up to 5 keywords. First tier to your main website 350 page rank 1-5 and the the second tier of 5000 profile backlinks pointing to your first tier.Ill send u a report in a txt file in less than 48 hours.Any question just send me a private message