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This translation is intended for people who already know English and are learning Spanish. It is not intended to be used to learn English, because the sentences in English may use strange or awkward wording in order to illustrate the vocabulary and grammar of the original Spanish.

Main menu

Spanish English
Modo de carrera Career mode
Encuentro de 1 peleador Bout with one boxer
Encuentro de 2 peleadores Bout with two boxers
Opciones Options


Spanish English
Jab izo Left jab
Jab der Right jab
Gancho izq Left hook
Gancho der Right hook
Girar der Turn left
Girar izq Turn right
Defensa Defense
Borrar boxeadores Delete boxers

"Der" stands for "derecha", and "izq" stands for "izquierda".

"Izo" is a typo for "izq".

"Gancho" refers to all kinds of hooks, not just a boxing hook. For example, a butcher's hook is also a gancho.

Select boxer

Spanish English
Comienzo de nueva carrera Beginning of new career
Retira un boxeador Retire a boxer
Salida a pantalla de título Exit to title screen

Note that "salida" is the noun "exit", not the verb, which would be "salir".

Create a boxer

Spanish English
Nom Name
Cabeza Head
Cabello Hair
Calzón Shorts
Guantes Gloves

"Nom" is apparently short for "nombre".

Choose boxer/opponent

Spanish English
Selecciona tu boxeador Select your boxer
Selecciona tu oponente Select your opponent


Boxer stats

Spanish English
Ganadas Wins
Perdidas Losses
Poder Power
Velocidad Speed
Condición Stamina


Spanish English
Categoría Rank
Peleas Fights
Triunfos Victories


Messages from Chávez

No vayas a renunciar tu trabajo, no estás hecho para este juego.
Don't give up your job; you're not made for this game.
Mmm... pues pareces prometedor pero te falta algo de experiencia.
Hmmm... well, you seem promising, but you're somewhat lacking in experience.
Sí... me gusta tu estilo. Bien, pero aún no estás listo para el horario estelar.
Yes... I like your style. Well done, but you're still not ready for the stellar hour.
Si alguna vez peleamos, será un gran evento.
If we fight sometime, it will be a grand event.
Creo que tú ya estás muy viejo para esto, deberías de colgar los guantes.
I think you're too old for this now. You should hang up your gloves.

The "de" here is technically a grammatical mistake (albeit a very common one). One should only use "de" after "deber" when making a supposition, not when expressing obligation.

He dejado fuera de combate a muchos, ahora te toca a ti.
I've taken many people out of combat, now it's your turn.

Chávez says this when your boxer retires due to old age.

"Te toca a ti" is also used for board games. E.g., ¿A quién le toca?, "Whose turn is it?"

You defeated Chávez!

Aquí está el hombre, que venció a la gran leyenda. El nuevo campeón mundial.
Here is the man who defeated the great legend. The new world champion.

Note that "leyenda" is feminine even though it refers to a man.